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Copyright Notice


All contents and elements of this website are the intellectual property of Brigitte Kraus. Reproduction in any form or in any media without express written permission of Brigitte Kraus is prohibited.


All photographs appearing in this site are the exclusive property of Brigitte Kraus and are protected under international copyright laws. Photographs are not to be downloaded, reproduced, copied, stored, manipulated, projected, used or altered in any way, alone or with any other material, or by use of computer or other electronic photographic concept or illustration is a violation of copyright. By entering this site you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this agreement. Entrance to this site is expressly on these conditions which embodies all of the unterstandings and obligations between the parties.




Die Urheber- und alle anderen Rechte an Inhalten, Bildern, Fotos oder anderen Dateien auf der Webseite gehören ausschliesslich Brigitte Kraus oder den speziell genannten Rechtsinhabern. Für die Reproduktion jeglicher Elemente ist die schriftliche Zustimmung der Urheberrechtsträger im Voraus einzuholen. 


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